Katie Couric Asks the Tough Questions.

This just absolutely terrifies me.

Watch both these segments and keep in mind when you are watching them, that they are two different segments. Sarah Palin is so inept she has little trouble making Katie Couric seem like a hard-hitting journalist.

"Politics have got to be put aside." says Sarah Palin. Indeed. The term "Crisis Mode" is used repeatedly. She is just "ill about this position that we've (she's) been put in."

I did better on my Spanish Regents Exam* than Palin did at a Couric interview and she doesn't even have to conjugate foreign verbs.

Dear Governor Palin,

You can memorize as many flash-cards as you want, but it won't do you any good. You need to use applied knowledge, which you can't, because you don't have.

Go Fuck Yourself For Being Part of the Problem.


part 1

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part 2

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* I passed.